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박 새미로  Park, Semiro


예원, 서울예고 졸업

서울대학교 우등졸업

독일 쾰른 국립음대 석사과정 졸업


금호 영재

TBC콩쿨 1위, 스트라드콩쿨 1위, 음연콩쿨 1위, 부산음악콩쿨 1위없는2위

부천음협콩쿨, 음악춘추콩쿨, 이화경향콩쿨, 바로크음악콩쿨, 선화콩쿨 등 다수콩쿨에서 입상

북 체코 오케스트라, 부천필하모니, 서울예고 오케스트라, 부천청소년 오케스트라와 협연

일본 기리시마 음악제, 젊은이의 음악제에서 연주


현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 부천 필하모닉 오케스트라 상임단원


Cellist Semiro Park attended Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School. She graduated College of Music in Seoul National University with honors and joined Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra as a standing member. She graduated from Hochschule fuer Musik Koln summa cum laude and got her master’s degree. Her musical aptitude was obvious since she was little. She came in 1st place in Busan Music Concours (joint reception), Strad Concours, Music Association Concours, and Bucheon Music Association Concours and demonstrated her performance in numerous contests including Chamber Music Concours in Hochschule fuer Musik Koln, Music Chuncchu Concours, Ehwa & Kyunghyang Music Concours, Baroque National Music Concours, Sunwha Music Concours, National Students Chamber Music Concours, and more. Park had many performance in Kumho Young Talents Recital, Young Musicians Festival, Kirishima Music Festival in Japan, Seoul National University Tuesday Music Festival, Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra Chamber Music Series Performance, North Czech Orchestra, Seoul Arts High School Orchestra, and Bucheon Youth Orchestra. Not scared of new challenges, Park performed in ‘Studio 2010’, Seoul University’s modern music series and played other composers’ works in order to stay closer to audiences. Later, Park joined Neue Musik Concert in Hochschule fuer Musik Koln, and currently performs modern music as cellist in ‘Ensemble Eins’, an ensemble composed of performers who studied in Germany. She studied under Soyoung Jeon, Kyungok Park, Mihye Yeo, and Professor Youngsook Yoon in Korea, and Johannes Moser in Germany, extending her musical repertoire. Park wears many hats as a standing member of Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra, cellist in Ensemble Eins, and a senior member of Seoul Soloist Cello Ensemble Society.

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