Artistic Director & Composer
박 명훈 Park, Myunghoon
한양대학교 음악대학 작곡과졸업
독일 쾰른 국립음대 작곡 Diplom과정 졸업
독일 쾰른 국립음대 전자음악작곡 석사 졸업
독일 쾰른 국립음대 작곡 석사 졸업
독일 뒤셀도르프 국립음대 최고작곡과정(Exzellenzstudiengang-Komposition) 졸업
국제 윤이상 작곡상, 일본 토루 타케미츠 작곡상 수상
벨기에 퀸 엘리자베스 작곡콩쿨, 네덜란드 가우데아무스 작곡콩쿨, 중앙음악콩쿨 입상
서울시립교향악단 위촉작곡가, 국립 심포니 오케스트라(구 코리안 심포니) 상주작곡가 역임
현) Ensemble Eins 예술감독, 한양대학교 작곡과 교수
Composer Myunghoon Park received his B.M. in Composition from Hanyang University, and completed Diplom degree and received his M.M in Composition and Electrical Music Composition from Hochschule für Musik Köln. He, then, graduated summa cum laude in Exellenzstudiengang Komposition at Robert Schumann Musik Hochschule Düsseldorf, and studied under Johannes Schöllhorn, José M. Sánchez-Verdú, Rebecca Saunders, Michael Beil, York Höller, and Zong-gu Yi.
His works, which range from solos to symphony orchestras as well as electronic music, consist of intensive contrasts and repetitions, and time and again, displays small batch processes; he takes timbre very important. His inspirations more often come from natural phenomena, namely their changes and movement, and art works.
He was invited to perform in Berlin, Germany through Komponistenstudio sponsored by Ensemble Modern. He received awards in Composition Competition by WDR (West German Broadcasting TV Studio) and announced his works at the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, a modern music festival in Witten; his works were recorded on CD in 2012. Park received Grand Prize at the Isang Yun International Composition Prize 2013 and 2nd prize at the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2016.
He is a composer of Ensemble Eins and an art director, and gives lectures at Hanyang University.