이 상민 Lee, Sangmin
한양대학교 음악대학 학사 졸업
독일 함부르크 국립음대 석사 졸업
독일 드레스덴 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen) 졸업
Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra 단원 역임
프라임 필하모니 오케스트라 수석 역임
현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 안양대학교 겸임교수, 계원예고 출강
크로스 챔버 오케스트라, 나인뮤직 소사이어디 수석, 조이오브 스트링스 단원
아인하이트 예술감독
Violist Sangmin Lee graduated from College of Music in Hanyang University and received his Master’s Degree from Hochschule fuer Musik Hamburg in Germany. Lee concluded Konzertexamen program from Hochschule fuer Musik Dresden. With affluent musical sensation and determined passion and effort toward music, Lee is devoting himself to create stages where he can better communicate with the audiences. The much-admired violist took positions in Jüdisch Kammerorchester, Dresden Semperoper Kapellsolisten, Dresden Staatsoperette Akademie (a guest member), Oekumenische Philharmonie (Assistant Principal), Hamburg Strings, and Dresden Philharmonie (2011-2013). He received awards from Music Journal Concours and Seoul Philharmonic Concours displaying his musical talent at a young age, and guest performed in Youngsan Arts Hall and collaborated with Hanyang University Chamber Orchestra. While studying abroad in Germany, he was a member of Wettiner Quartett, performing in Tubingen and Stuttgart, both in Germany, and live-recorded on CD his invitation performances by Bremen Radio Hall. He was honorable mentioned by German musicians for his performances in Salzburg Musik Festival, , Mittel europa Festival, and solo recital by invitation in Carl Maria von Weber Museum in Dresden, Germany. He studied under Chanjoo Wi, Sungja Park, Nils Mönkemeyer, Marius Nichteanu, and Professor Wilfried Strelle. After returning to Korea, Lee successively filled the Guest Assistant Principal position at Gwangju Symphony Orchestra. He currently wears many hats as Principal in Gunpo Prime Philharmonic Orchestra, Principal and a member in Cross Chamber Orchestra, Principal in Ensemble Eins, and Principal in Miral Festival Orchestra. Lee also lectures in Able Art Center and Hanyang University, his alma mater.