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김 민욱  Kim, Minwook


예원, 서울예고 졸업

한국예술종합학교 예술사과정 졸업

독일 쾰른 국립음대 석사 졸업

독일 쾰른 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen) 최우수 졸업


경원대학콩쿨 대상, 음협콩쿨, 이화경향콩쿨, CBS콩쿨 입상 및 클라리넷협회 실내악부문 대상

서울 심포니 오케스트라와 협연

The Juilliard School & Hochschule für Musik Köln 공동주최 프로젝트 선발 및 뉴욕 연주

인천 & 아트 아시아 필하모니 아카데미 수석 역임

Bergische Symphoniker객원단원 역임


현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 대한민국 역사박물관 공연단원

Clarinetist Minwook Kim attended Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, and received his degree in Arts from Korea Nation University of Arts. He, then, graduated summa cum laude in Konzertexamen from Hochschule fuer Musik Koeln, receiving his Master’s degree. Kim was prominent in clarinet section receiving numerous national awards in Kyungwon University Concours, Music Association Concours, Ehwa & Kyunghyang Concours, CBS Concours, and more. He was awarded with Grand Prize in the Chamber Music section by Korea Clarinet Association. Kim has collaborated with Seoul Symphony Orchestra and successively held position as Principal in Incheon & Arts Asia Philharmonic. Kim received awards from International Jeunesses Musicales Competition in Serbia and International Clarinet Competition “Saverio mercadante” in Italy. Recently Kim was selected in a chamber music project joint sponsored by The Juilliard School and Hochschule für Musik Köln, performing in New York. He was a guest member of Bergische Symphoniker and current member of Ensemble Eins.

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