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강 민정  Kang, Minjeong


서울예고 졸업

연세대학교 실기우수장학생 졸업

독일 함부르크 국립음대 Diplom과정 졸업

독일 드레스덴 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen) 최우수 졸업 및

Prof. Igor Malinovsky의 Assistant 역임


포네클래식 음악콩쿨 대상, 동양일보 음악콩쿨 대상, 충북음협콩쿨 대상

청주시향, 프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라, 뉴서울 필하모닉 오케스트라, 필하모니안즈 서울,

연세심포니 오케스트라, 헤이리 챔버 오케스트라와 협연

연세대학교 음악대학 창립50주년 기념음악축제 정기연주회 악장 역임

숙명여대 강사 역임

현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 안음앙상블, 크로스 챔버 오케스트라, 헤이리 챔버 오케스트라 단원

협성대학교 객원교수, 계원예고 출강, 에이블뮤직그룹 강사, 

A violinist of inclusive colors and opulent musical expressions, Minjung Kang, after graduating from Seoul Arts High School, attended College of Music at Yonsei University as a full-time scholarship student studying instrumental music. She, then, received her M.M. from Hochschule fuer Musik Hamburg and graduated Auszeichnung in Konzertexamen at Hochschule fuer Musik Dresden in Germany. She was a Teacher’s Assistant for Professor Igor Malinovsky at Hochschule fuer Musik Dresden. Exhibiting her musical talents at a young age, Kang was in 2nd place in Sejong Music Concours and in 1st place in Phone Classic Music Concours, Dongyangilbo Music Concours, and Chungbuk Music Association Concors. She was the concertmaster in the Commemoration Music Festival for 50th Anniversary of College of Music at Yonsei University during her attendance, and College of Music Orchestra at Hamburg, Germany. Her performances were broadcasted through German Broadcast ZDF. Kang was selected a scholarship student by Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung, a German scholarship foundation, for two years. She participated in numerous master classes such as Courchevel Music Alp Festival, International Koenigin Sophie Charlotte Meisterkurs, International Music Master Class Benidorm, Ehinger Musiksommer Meisterkurs, and more, expanding her experience and faculty as a chamber music soloist, and assembled her musical repertoire by performing chamber music with renowned professors at Professors Music Festival at International Mendelssohn Summer School. Moreover, in Germany, she was invited for solo recital in Hamburg Laeiszhalle, Hamburg Berenberg-Gossler-Haus, Dresden Weber Museum, and Gailingen Festsaal "Hohentwiel", and after her return to Korea, she performed in Kumho Arts Hall and in other prominent venues. Kang collaborated with New Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra in the Concert Hall of Seoul Arts Center, and with Philharmonians Seoul, Cheongju Philharmonic, and Yonsei Symphony Orchestra in IBK Chamber Hall. She studied under professors Jaehong Park, Kyunghee Yoon, and Seungdon Yang in Korea, and professors Igor Malinovsky and Andreas Roehn overseas. Kang performed as a member of Wettiner Quartet, a modern music ensemble and as a guest member of Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia Valencia Orchestra with music directors Zubin Mehta and Lorin Mazzel. She is the guest Principal of Chungbuk Philharmonic Orchestra, Western Symphony Orchestra, Miral Festival Orchestra and Heyri Symphony Orchestra, and tirelessly performs as a chamber music recitalist. Currently, Kang lectures at Hanyang University and Sookmyung Women’s University, and hold positions as a Principal in Cross Chamber Orchestra and as a Concertmaster 1st Violin in Ensemble Eins, a modern music ensemble.

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