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안 효정  Ahn, Hyojung


예원학교, 서울예술고등학교 졸업

한국예술종합학교 예술사과정 수석입학 및 조기졸업(전액장학금 수혜)

독일 만하임 국립음대 석사과정 및 Orchestra Solist과정 최우수 졸업

금호 영 아티스트, 음악저널 1위, 음악춘추콩쿨 1위 등 다수 수상

Zwingenberg Orchester, Küpfälzischer Kammerorchester 객원수석단원

세종대학교, 덕원예술고등학교, 선화예술중학교 강사, 한양대학교 초청강사,

Symphony song오케스트라 수석단원 역임

현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 우디앙상블 대표, 가일플레이어즈 단원,

올키즈스트라 오보에강사, 한세대학교, 건국대학교 출강 

Hyojung Ahn was born in 1986 in Seoul. After attending Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School, Ahn was admitted to Korea National University of Arts as an Outstanding Scholarship Student in 2008. She received full scholarships during the entirety of her attendance and graduated early. While attending Hochschule fuer Musik Mannheim in Germany, Ahn studied under Emanuel Abbuehl and received Master’s degree, completing her Orchestra Soloist program summa cum laude. She had her first solo recital in Kumho Art hall in 2014. Ahn came in 1st place in many concours in Korea including Music Journal Concours and Music Chunchu Concours, and had her very own concert when she was selected by Kumho Young Artists Audition. She participated in ISA International Sommerakademie in Austria, Rro Bono Musicae sommer Festival in Polen, and took part as a guest member in Schlossfestspiele Zwingenberg Orchester, Kurpfaelzische Kammerorchester. Currently, Ahn is the Assistant Principal in Symphony Song Orchestra and a member of Ensemble Eins. She is still very active performing in Oboe and Organ Concert for Jungdong Noon Concerts and more.

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