송 화현 Song, Hwahyun
선화예고 졸업
연세대학교 음악대학 학사 우등졸업
독일 하노버 국립음대 전문연주자과정(Künstlerische Ausbildung) 최우수 졸업
독일 뮌헨 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Meisterklasse) 졸업
일본 ICAG 콩쿠르 1위
미국 Summit Music Festival Competition 현악부 전체 2위
차세대 전국 학생음악 콩쿠르 입상, 브람스 협회 콩쿠르 입상
서울 심포니 오케스트라, 구리시립교향악단, 루마니아 Transilvania 주립 오케스트라,
Hannover Kammer Orchester와 협연
독일, 폴란드, 이탈리아 등 다수 독주 및 초청연주
Hannover Kammer Orchester 제 2 악장, NDR Radiophilharmonie 견습단원, Philharmoniker Hamburg 단원, 프라임 필하모닉 오케스트라 수석 역임
현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 앙상블 아인하이트 리더, 선화예술학교, 선화예고 출강
Hwahyun Song plays the violin with a rich and deep tone and possesses a superior musicality. She graduated Sunhwa Arts School and Sunhwa Arts High School, studied at Yonsei University with honors and received many awards, including dean’s award and honor student award. Then, Ms. Song went to Germany to study at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover and graduated with the Diploma for Künstlerische Ausbildung course with the highest score unanimously. She also graduated Meisterklasse course at Hochschule für Musik und Theater München with the highest score unanimously as well. Though Ms. Song started playing the violin at a later age when she was twelve years old, she has attained national and international attention by receiving numerous prizes, including Next Generation National Student Music Competition Award, Brahms Association Competition Award, ICAG Concours (Japan) First Place Award, and Summit Music Festival Competition (USA) String Division Second Place Award; and by playing with Seoul Symphony Orchestra, Guri Philharmonic Orchestra, Transilvania State Orchestra, and Hannover Kammer Orchestra. Ms. Song has performed actively in Germany as well by serving as a concert master for Hannover Kammer Orchester, Kammerorchester der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, Hochschulsymphonieorchester der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, serving as a Praktikantin for the first violin in NDR Radiophilharmonie, and playing the first violin for Philharmoniker Hamburg. Ms. Song’s performances have been broadcasted on NDR and Arte, and her performance reviews were posted on Dewezet, Fw-Oberfranken, Echt Oberfranken, and Franken Post. Ms. Hwa Hyun Song has been invited and played solo recitals in various venues, such as München, Braunschweig, Hannoversch Münden, and Garbsen. Especially in Hannover, she was invited as a special guest musician and played a Barock Geige at a museum in Barock Saal. Also, she has been on a performing tour, playing orchestral works as a concert master and solo concertos with Hannover Kammer Orchestra, in numerous regions, including Mosel, Selze, Hameln, Kiel, Kevelaer, Kaufbeuren, Kiel, Kevelaer, and Kaufbeuren. She has studied with Prof. Hyuna Kim in Korea, and Prof. Adam Kostecki and Prof. Gottfried Schneider in Germany, and at numerous music festivals held in Germany, USA, Italia, Japan, Poland, and Korea, studied with Zakhar Bron, Aaron Rosand, Gerard Poulet. Since returning to Korea, Ms. Song has been active performing as a principle violinist for Gunpo Prime Philharmonic Orchestra and a member of Ensemble Eins, and teaching at Sunhwa Arts School and Sunhwa Arts High School.