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윤 혜성  Yoon, Haesung


예원, 서울예고 졸업

독일 라이프찌히 국립음대 Diplom과정 졸업

독일 쾰른 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen) 최우수 졸업

독일 프랑크푸르트 국립음대 현대음악연주 석사 졸업


금호 영재

독일 Karlsruhe competition for the Performance of Contemporary Music  입상

독일 Münchner Klavier Podium der Jugend콩쿨 1위

이탈리아 European Music Competition in Moncalieri콩쿨 1위

이탈리아 Internazionale Valsesia Musica Premio Monterosa Kawai in Varallo콩쿨 1위

삼익콩쿨 1위, 한국일보콩쿨 1위, 음연콩쿨 1위

독일 Elbland Philharmonie, Vogtland Philharmonie, Bergische Symphoniker와 협연

독일 Klavier-Festival Ruhr페스티발 초청 연주 

독일 Ensemble Modern주관 앙상블모데른아카데미(I.E.M.A.) 2014/15 

현) Ensemble Eins 단원, Ensemble O.N 리더, 예원학교·서울예고, 선화예중 출강

Pianist Haesung Yoon attended Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School. At Hochschule fuer Musik Leipzig, she finished her Diplom program with Gerald Fauth. While attending Hochschule fuer Musik Koln, Yoon studied under Richard Braun and graduated Auszeichnung in Konzertexamen. While at preparatory school for Korea National University of Arts and studying under Chungmo Kang, she came in first place in Samic Concours, Hankukilbo Concours, and Eumyoun Concours, and performed with KUNA Symphony Orchestra twice. Yoon came in 1st place and received Virutuosin-Prize in Münchner Klavier Podium der Jugend Concours in Germany, and came in 1st place in European Music Competition in Moncalieri and Internazionale Valsesia Musica Premio Monterosa Kawai in Varallo, both from Italy. She guest performed in Klavier-Festival Ruhr Festival in Germany, and collaboratively performed with Elbland Philharmonie, Vogtland Philharmonie, and Bergische Symphoniker in Germany. Attending master classes of world-class pianists Germaine Mounier, Jacques Rouvier, Jan Gottlieb Jiracek von Arnim, and Dmitri Alexandrowitsch Baschkirow, Yoon plays piano for Ensemble Eins. She was a scholarly member of International Ensemble Modern Academy (I.E.M.A.) 2014/2015.

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