오 병철 Oh, Byungchul
서울예고 졸업
프랑스 파리 에꼴노르말 졸업
프랑스 파리 국립음악원 졸업
프랑스 말메종 국립음악원 최고연주자과정 졸업
로마시립 예술학교 지휘전공 졸업
수원대학교 지휘전공 석사 졸업
프랑스 Picardie 콩쿨, Le Parnasse 콩쿨, Roger Bourdin 콩쿨, Nerini 콩쿨 등에서 입상
2019년 KME 벽산음악상 수상
서울시립대, 전주대, 단국대 강사 역임
현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 과천시립교향악단 수석, KME 멤버, Miyazawa 아티스트
예원학교, 서울예고 출강

Flutist Byung Chul Oh was born in Seoul, South Korea and started studying music at Seoul Arts High School as a flute major. Then he studied abroad to expand his studies in France and graduated from Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, Conservatoire National de Region de Paris (Specialise), Conservatoire a Rayonnement Regional de Rueil-Malmaison (Excellence, Perfectionnement). Since he has actively pioneered through his study, he has won numerous competitions such as Le Parnasse, Lempdes, Nerini, Picardie, and Roger Bourdin. Byung Chul Oh returned to Seoul and built his career by holding his four solo recitals since 2013. He also was a former lecturer at Dankook University, University of Seoul, Jeonju University and is now teaching at Soongsil University, Korea National Institute (for the Gifted in Arts). Byung Chul Oh is currently a Principal Flute at Gwacheon Symphony Orchestra, and he also formed his Woodwind Quintet, KME(Korean Modern Ensemble) and held their recitals as well. KME is a renowned group who has won the award from Byucksan Cultural Foundation of Arts in 2019.